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Reproducible reports in R Markdown

Jacquie Tran | @jacquietran | 18 Aug 2020


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From academia to industry

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Image credit: Andrew Petrischev

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Image credit: Emil Widlund

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What makes a report reproducible?

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Four facets of reproducibility

The Carpentries, Reproducible Research with R

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Four facets of reproducibility

The Carpentries, Reproducible Research with R

  1. Documentation
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Four facets of reproducibility

The Carpentries, Reproducible Research with R

  1. Documentation

  2. Organisation

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Four facets of reproducibility

The Carpentries, Reproducible Research with R

  1. Documentation

  2. Organisation

  3. Automation

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Four facets of reproducibility

The Carpentries, Reproducible Research with R

  1. Documentation

  2. Organisation

  3. Automation

  4. Dissemination

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R Markdown for


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Document as you go!

Live demo of HTML output

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Show your "working out"

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Live demo of HTML output

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R Markdown for


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Source scripts into an R Markdown file

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Source scripts into an R Markdown file

In the R Markdown file, source the script from within a code chunk:

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R Markdown for


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Build reports on a set schedule

Job scheduling R Markdown reports via R

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R Markdown for


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Rmd: One file format, many outputs!

Render an R Markdown report to:

  • HTML
  • PDF
  • Word
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HTML outputs are particularly powerful

Turn an R Markdown file into:

  • A slidedeck (like this one!) using {xaringan}
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HTML outputs are particularly powerful

Turn an R Markdown file into:

  • A slidedeck (like this one!) using {xaringan}

  • An interactive dashboard using {flexdashboard}

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HTML outputs are particularly powerful

Turn an R Markdown file into:

  • A slidedeck (like this one!) using {xaringan}

  • An interactive dashboard using {flexdashboard}

  • An e-book using {bookdown}
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HTML outputs are particularly powerful

Turn an R Markdown file into:

  • A slidedeck (like this one!) using {xaringan}

  • An interactive dashboard using {flexdashboard}

  • An e-book using {bookdown}

  • A website using packages like {blogdown} and {distill}

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R Markdown articles from R Studio

Yihui Xie, J.J. Allaire, & Garrett Grolemund, R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

Emily Riederer, R Markdown Driven Development

Tom Mock:

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R Markdown articles from R Studio

Yihui Xie, J.J. Allaire, & Garrett Grolemund, R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

Emily Riederer, R Markdown Driven Development

Tom Mock:

Slides: bit.ly/jt_rladies_2020

GitHub repo: https://github.com/jacquietran/2020_aug_rladies_akl

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From academia to industry

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